Beware of "Right of Way" Decision Making

We all have these people in some aspect of our lives, no matter the situation, they will always find a concrete explanation for why they are right. They will have data, evidence  and precedence outlined and ready. In some cases we are these people.

The thing that I find striking is that no matter the outcome, their win will always be defined by them being right. The situation can result in the worst case scenario imaginable, but as long as their facts and figures line up; they win. 

The question I always want to ask, is does you being right and everyone else being wrong while we all still lose, truly equal a win. 

It's like being the passenger in a car with a driver that always has the right of way and refuses to change lanes or slow down and stop even when danger is imminent. They see a car making an illegal turn but refuse to slow down, because they have the right of way. So what happens? Bang, collision! The car is damaged beyond repair, the passenger is wounded and they themselves have a concussion. Regardless of what is to come the only thing they can tell anyone is I had the right of way. 

At one time or another, we all find ourselves in such situations. Sometimes we are the passengers and some times we are the drivers. As the driver our struggle is to let go of ego and allow ourselves to change course for the good of all. Press the brakes, honk the horn, signal and change lanes or just stop. As the passenger, we can shout and make a request, but the reality is it's too late. The only thing we could have done to change course was to not get in the car. 

Traveling through life we all have those moments where we need to be right and validated in what we know to be true and we all have those moments when we want to arrive at a place in our lives so badly that we will take a ride from anyone that says they can get us there, despite knowing they are a reckless driver. The key to living to share tales of the ride and arriving safe and sound is being willing to adapt and change course along the way, even if that means it will take a bit longer to get there.

It's ok, there will be other opportunities to celebrate being right and despite how long the wait may be, another path will open as we continue the journey to our final destination
