Food for our Growth

“Everything we receive in life is food for our growth. 
If we eat from the plate, we must give thanks.” 
- Iyanla Vanzant

Just as everything we receive in life is food for our growth, everything we consume makes up the substance of our life. We hear it from nutritionists and health professionals all the time, “you are what you eat”. Just as the condition of our physical body is impacted by what we eat; our mental, emotional and spiritual condition is a product of all that we consume.

If we maintain a diet of fatty foods, lots of sugar, salt and artificial everything then what we receive is high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease morbid obesity and an endless number of symptoms and illnesses that will break down and decay our bodies until we die. Our mental, emotional and spiritual selves are no different. If all we consume is manufactured realities, ego driven perspectives and superficial interactions, then what we will receive is mental instability, emotional imbalance and a hopeless spirit.

Consuming editorialized recaps of every horrific and troubling event that has occurred in the last 24 hours six times a day is not staying informed. It is laying the foundation for fear and hopelessness.

Binge watching every episode of every season of manipulated and staged commercials labeled as reality television is not entertainment. It is a distraction from creating and living our own lives.

Investing endless hours liking, sharing, commenting, posting, reacting and poking in response to every social media feed that pings is not a social life. It is disconnecting us from humanity, empathy and understanding and creating a society of impulsive reactionary power sources of the matrix.

If what we consume makes up the substance of our lives, then what we put out into the world is a product of what we consume. If we are only taking in messages of fear, then all we have to give are the products of fear; anger, hate, violence.

If all we watch are manufactured superficial ego driven reality stories, then all we are equipped to create is dishonesty, envy and competition.

If our primary social interactions are through electronic devises reacting to prompts and stimuli feed to us, then we are no longer human.

As with our physical health, we must adopt a diet of moderation to sustain our wellness and connection humanity. 

Stay informed, but don’t become a repository for endless messages and images of fear and anger. 
Enjoy entertainment, but don’t limit your reality for its consumption. 
Leverage the power of social media, but utilize it to expand your connections to humanity not limit them.

Remember, wellness is necessary to power the resistance.  
