Light on My Shadows [X] Un

Silenced from birth, told to be quiet, stop making noise and don't you dare cry in a world that fears and demonizes my voice; I have been conditioned to retreat. To not let my thoughts emotions and feelings flow freely through me into the world. I have not been free to allow myself to be present and flow freely in the world. Hidden behind the chained walls of my emotional mind I have not been free.

My awareness opens the door to freedom and liberation; but I have been afraid to completely step through and shut the door behind me. I have opened and closed the door of awareness and mindfulness and danced in it's frame and tip toed across to only subcom to the voice of fear and run back inside.

As long as there was a costume waiting for me on the other side I was alright. I felt empowered to wear the mask of freedom and liberation. But to step into the unknown world of self love, empowerment, truth and light unmasked; bare and uncovered was too frightening to endeavor.

Despite the light glaring off in the distance and the taste of lasting freedom; my labels and conditions were all I had known and defined my existence.
