4 Intentions for manifesting love, purpose and possibility in 2019

One of the first “personal-success” books given to me as a young adult was "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman. It was through reading this part fictional/part autobiographical work I began to realize the power of intention. 

Our intentions are a driving force for what manifests in our lives and the path we travel. The intent behind our actions, words and beliefs has a direct impact on our life outcomes. Starting this new cycle of 2019 I am excited to share my 4 intentions for setting a path to manifesting love, purpose and possibility.

#1 Forgive: Forgive Yourself and Others

Yes, we have heard it before.

So, what does forgiveness look like?

You forgive by letting go.


#2 Let Go: 

Let go of Resentment and emotional feelings associated with the experience, situation or dynamic.

Stop letting the emotions run your play.

Be aware of your emotions and acknowledge what you are thinking and feeling.




#3 Release: 

Release any desire or need for requital or retaliation to or from those associated with the experience, situation or dynamic.


Yes, it’s easier said than done.


We don’t forgive by just announcing forgiveness.


#4 Create: 

We manifest Forgiveness by focusing on the future and creating new possibilities.

When you are focused and committed to creating, you will find that you no longer have the time, energy, interest or desire to stay locked up in the past.


  1. Reallocate the time and energy you had given away to fear and pain.
  2. Redirect that energy to the creation of opportunities.
  3. Identify where you see possibility and take the steps to ignite creation.


Potential and possibility are ahead not behind.


Happy New Year!
