The Invitation Forward: It starts with Mutual Respect

“Not in his goals but in his transitions man is great.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson


We all know it. We all feel it. 

We all hear it. We all see it.

It is time for our world to make a transition.

In fact, the reality that we all know, we all feel, we all hear, and we all see; is that this transition is already occurring.

Despite the roaring and silent chanting to go back, take back and return; this transition is already in process.

The aircraft has taken off, the ship has left port, construction has already begun, the baby is on its way.

And the unacknowledged, unspoken reality is, all which was cannot stay.

Yes. Much of that which has been, once was, was expected to be, must be left behind.

And despite the echoing mirage of continued chaos, fear, strife and lack; our future forward has denied access, refused boarding, and rescinded invitations to that which would hold and send us back into the tailspin of a world of denial and false acceptance of our divinely diverse existence.

Now the long awaited much fraught over transition into a new way of collective living and being is upon us and how we navigate this transition, should we choose to accept it, will determine if and how we survive.

Plainly put, the fight to deny a world that acknowledges and affirms the divine diversity of all beings and recognizes that not one being, person, culture or tribe holds a superior existence to one another has been lost by those that would seek to continue to plague, denounce, destroy, enslave, and dominate over the like, kind, and ways of another.

We have reached the breach.

There is no future forward that is not diverse, inclusive, global, intersectional, multi-dimensional and nurturing of our natural earth gifted resources.

You can continue to fight, denounce, and deny until you die. But that will not stop the transition into the future forward. For to continue to deny, denounce and resist is simply your choice to not step forward and in that; you, they, them will just remain as you are and be left behind.

Here I offer a basic set of future forward guidelines for a new collective existence.

Rules, if you will.

New Rules. Same as the origin rules!

Mutual Respect.

Do No Harm.

No Oppression.

No exploitation.

And in that you are able to


Do What You Do, How you do, With whom you do it with.

And preferably leave it there.


We have seen and experienced this reality all across our collective living.

Where respect has not been extended, harm consistently follows.

Where harm occurs, oppression manifests.

Where oppression is accepted as a way of life, exploitation becomes currency.


And in our new collective, global data driven technological existence, none are immune.

Neither money, privilege, perceived power, title nor position can insulate your disrespect, propensity to afflict harm, thirst to oppress and desire to exploit from being held accountable to our collective future.

We have been put on notice. Our earth is quivering. Our health is declining. Our children are afraid. Our elders seek retreat.

Despite this reality, our future forward has made a new declaration of survival:

“I shall not mourn. I shall not weep. I shall not take shelter in fear or darkness.  I shall not retreat. I shall not hide. For to do so would declare my birthright null and void and the lives of the warriors who laid the road I walk upon as having been sacrificed in vain.”

 – I SHALL NOT FEAR, “None Whatsoever.”

I invite you forward into our future and offer encouragement to embrace this long-awaited arrival into a new way of being beyond the suffering.


New Rules. Same as the Origin Rules!

Mutual Respect.

Do No Harm.

No Oppression.

No exploitation.

And in that you are able to


Do What You Do, How you do, With whom you do it with.

And preferably leave it there.

For we shall go forward out of the darkness into the light.

It is not an if. It is indeed a with whom and when.

For the battle has been won.

Adjust your gaze.

Change your lens.

Shift your lane. 

And you will find yourself aboard the freedom plane or for those that keep to the ground, the freedom train!

Peace be unto all!

